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Creating a Magical Home in a Mundane World

Being a magical person living in a mundane world can suck. BUT you can create a little magic while performing everyday tasks and chores.

Creating a Magical Home in a Mundane World

Clean Your Space

When done daily, tasks never built up and there’s never a need to “speed clean,” instead you can fully focus on the task at hand.

Clean with Intent and Mindfulness

Wash, dry, and put up dishes while reflecting and offering thanks for the meals made and consumed using said dishes. Food security is a luxury not everyone has. Dirty dishes means you aren’t going to bed hungry.

Shake out blankets, pillows, and rugs to remove bad energy. Not only does a freshly fluffed pillow feel more comfortable, you are literally telling stale, stagnant energy to move and make way for new energy.

Vacuuming carpets slowly helps to not only fluff fibers and make carpets feel extra squishy, but to give you time to breathe slowly while cleaning. We all tend to speed clean so we can move on to something more fun. But by taking the time to slowly vacuum, you can use the time to pause and focus on breathing deep and intentionally.

Clean to Improve Your Mood

While this thought can be applied to the examples above, listen to happy music (such as K-pop or Disney soundtracks), dance around and sing while cleaning helps boost your energy level and mood.

Diffuse your favorite scents to relax or energize you as well as freshen the air around you. This is another great way to help release stagnant energy.

The simple act of putting away clutter can help calm anxiety as you are no longer stressing over it even subconsciously.

Clean to Invite Deities and Spirits into Your Home

No one wants to visit a dirty home, including deities and spirits. Clutter, while sometimes messy in appearance, doesn’t mean dirty or unkept you can keep the knickknacks displayed while keeping them dusted.

Refresh any and all altars and sacred spaces. Dust, remove dead flowers, clean incense burners, wash dirty or dusty chalices and cloths.

Create new altars and sacred spaces with offerings to invite your deities and spirits over and encourage lingering.

Cooking to Change Your Mindset

You should never feel like you have to cook, instead you get to cook! Cooking gives you the time to relax and reflect on your day while preparing to nurse your body. Even if you only have $2 you can make a pot of spaghetti in the time it takes to cook the pasta or make a simple yet filling chili that simmers away while you exercise, read or bake cookies (I know I’m not the only one who likes to bake rather than exercise!).

Recipes are magic on their own. Think of a spell or ritual you recently performed. And now think about making your favorite recipe. You can probably see the similarities of the two when compared. You have ingredients to locate, prep work to do, steps to follow, and end result and of course, clean up afterwards. Kitchen witches already know how the right recipe can heal, create feelings of love or hate, and even remind us of who we are. Tap into that natural magic every time you cook.

Infuse your meals with more magic. Sigils, herbs, stirring clockwise to manifest, counterclockwise to banish. All of these infuse your cooking with your intent.

Everyday tools become magical tools with regular use and care. A well-worn wooden spoon, a cast iron skillet, even your favorite coffee cup become part of you as you use them more and more. Eventually you can’t imagine a day in the kitchen without them.

Until next time, my lovelies!

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